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Agnetha -  Eva Pirnovar

Frida - Manca Dremel

She has been immersed in  music since her childhood and always loved singing and dancing. Her first instrument was the violin, which she already started to play in the kindergarten and later on finished a 9-year course in music school in Ljubljana. There she also played in the orchestra. In elementary and secondary school she sang in the choir and when she was sixteen she started to study solo singing in The Music School Gvido, where she was taught by Lea Bartha. She performed in public building up experiences. She sang as a solo singer also in her scout group, which included performances on big stages in front of international public. Four years ago she became »Agnetha« in ABBA MIA.
She used to play the violin and finished the music shool in Velenje. From her early years when she was only a child she always sang in choirs in elementary shool and in music school. During the period of her secondary education she learnt solo singing at Boštjan Korošec, later her teacher was Marta Zore. She also acquired lots of experience with a musical, as  in 2010 she was starring in a musical The Wizard of Oz, playing the role of Doroteja. Furthermore, she participated in summer workshops dealing with musicals in general. In 2012 she prepared her first independent concert with the group Diverse and a guest star Tinkara Kovač. It took place in Dom Kulture Velenje. She performs in duo as a singer with a pianist, sometimes solo, and she is also ABBA MIA's »Frida«. 

Björn - Andrej Pogorelec

He starts with a recorder and is active in school choirs. At nine he continues with a classical guitar. Later on, electro-acoustic and electric guitars attract his attention. He has lots of experience with singing in the choirs (Academic choir, Gaudeamus, the predecessor of Perpetum Jazzile) and performing in bands as a singer and guitarist in the groups Bon ton Roullete, Obuti maček and Titicaca. With the latter he prepares, organises (and stars in) a successful project (Tribute to Dylan) with the invited guests Tomaž Domicelj and Vlado Kreslin. He issues an album on CD with Titicaca and a solo album entitled Transcendence. He also writes literature … In ABBA MIA he plays the guitars and sings, covering the role of Björn.

Benny - Andrej Lobanov

He comes from a Russian town Samara. After finishing his musical education he intended to follow in his dad's steps and become a pilot not a musician. However, after having finished his studies at the Higher College for Pilots and completed his military service he changed his mind  (and his life decision) as he realised that music was his most important interest. He studied at Samara Academy of Art and Culture taking the course  Leader of great brass orchestra. His first instrument is the piano, but he is also very good at playing the guitar and accordion. His musical interest is quite variegated: jazz, rock, blues, classical and folk music. He successfully collaborates with lots of musicians in various projects and is active in the field of sound direction and composing. In Samara he won at the competition »The Spring of Jazz«.


Dario Plesničar - Drums

Ištvan Pajor - Bas Guitar

Devoted to drums since his childhood … His first experience with playing in a band goes back to his High school period. In the beginning of the eighties he and his friend established the group Obvezna smer. In 1986 they won in a competition ‘Pop workshop’. Later on, this group turned into Abrakadabra. As Helena Blagne's accompanying band they perform at the Eurosong selection (Jugovizija 1990). During this period it was a group that accompanied a great majority of pop musicians in Slovenia. 

At five the violin, at 13 the clarinet … In that period one could seldom hear other sorts of music … Not yet real rock music, but there were the groups like The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones. After having played in a number of local groups he joined the group Horizont with Vlado Kreslin and later the group Prelom. Slovene Pop Song - Ljubljana (1979 Prelom) and Opatija Festival (1979 Prelom). As a studio musician he cooperated with many musicians of that period. He joined the group Frontmen and later Titicaca (ethnic, rock music world evergreen songs). In the former group he performed as a bass guitar player and singer (back and lead vocals). He returned to musical circles as a bass guitarist and singer in the group ABBA MIA.


Eva Pogorelec - Back Vocal


Eva Pogorelec - spremljevalni vokal

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